Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Busy Creating...and Watching Movies!

I like to watch movies and tv shows when I'm in the studio, it helps keep my imagination busy when I'm on autopilot making beads. Yesterday, I started watching the BBC series Doctor Who, Season 1. Finished disc 1 yesterday, and can I just say: I've seen him in movies before, but I never thought of Christopher Eccleston as a particularly attractive man. You know what? He kinda is! At least as that character... Anyway, 3 episodes down with more discs on the way.

Something else I watched yesterday, but didn't like was Gone With The Wind. I know, I know - it surprised me, too! I thought Scarlett was a complete twerp who didn't deserve Rhett at all. And I thought Clark Gable was waaaaaaaay too old to play the part of Rhett, although he did a good job. Ashley was pug-ugly (sorry Kate!) and a complete pansy-ass. Plus, Prissy was so annoying that I wanted to smack her myself - ditto Aunt PittyPat. Yuck! The only characters I really liked were Mammy, Melanie and Belle Watling.

For a movie that is supposed to be the essence of all-things Southern, can I just say "blech!"? Kate suggested that I read the book and see if I liked that any better. Maybe I will this winter - if I get bored.

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